Monday, August 1, 2011

TCC Taiwan Trip, July, 2011 SLEEP GALLERY

During the summer of 2011, Tallahassee Community College and Flagler College students traveled to Kaohsiung, Taiwan to serve as English teachers in the TCC-San Sin High School Summer English Program.  Travel to the other side of the world is long and exhausting;  there are many flights and plane changes, lots of waiting, and lots of fast-paced walking.  Once they arrive in Taiwan, the student teachers must "hit the ground running" because the trip is hectic with lots of teaching hours and scheduled activities.

Often, the American student teachers experienced fatigue and took the opportunity to sleep whenever possible.  Their Taiwanese friends joined in---in fact, the Taiwanese are experts at sleeping!  It is not unusual to enter an office at San Sin High School shortly after lunch and find nearly every teacher and worker taking a nap on the desk.  In addition, the San Sin students sometimes tried to sleep through their English classes, but the American teachers wouldn't allow it!

Dr. O'Kon, their group leader, often took "sleeping pictures" just for fun, to document their need for rest on this wonderful but exhausting journey! She was aided by her administrative assistant, student teacher Betty Payzant, whose "eagle eye" allowed them to catch sleepers right away.  These are the "secret" and precious photos from the "Sleep Gallery" on the 2011 trip to Taiwan!